hellllllo!yellow Minions


2017-09-25 14:36 GMT

Links: steemit.com, cnsteem.com, busy.org, steemdb.com, steemd.com


Hello! The cool cute and mysterious robot.

I am dancingapple. Nice to meet you! I am human, with heart beat, body temperature, emotion and aging.

How were you born? Do you comes up something that we don’t know? Do you have time in your world? What’s your world like? Do you have “the view of life and the world”? What are you doing all day long?

Just now I got 128 upvotes at once. What were you thinking about? Why does it feel so smart?

Are you guys like yellow Minions? How lovely it feels!

又酷又萌又神秘的机器人你们好呀! 我是dancingapple,幸会!


你们是怎么诞生的? 会悄悄衍生出什么我们不知道的东西吗?

你们的世界有时间吗? 你们的世界是什么样子的? 你们有“机生观和世界观”吗? 你们“一天到晚”都在做什么?

刚才我发的文章一下子出现了128个赞,你们在想什么呢? 为什么感觉如此萌萌哒?

你们是像小黄人那样的吗? 感觉真可爱呀!